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Sale Portal

Welcome to the new system we use to onboard clients.

When you click 'Lets Begin' you will taken through a number of sections that will help us to collect the information we need to get your matter started. They are:


  1. Our Terms of Business

  2. Our GDPR Form

  3. Our Sale Questionnaire

  4. Our Protocol Page

  5. Our Document Return Page

The system is designed so that you can complete all the sections one after the other in one sitting.


However should you not complete it in one sitting please beware that pages cannot be saved and when you later return to the page you will need to start again. We will only receive the section of the process if you click 'Submit' at the bottom of the page.


Should you not complete the entire process in one sitting then you can always return to this page and click on one of the Section Titles above number 1-5 to be taken to that section.

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